FCC Waitlist
FCC Waitlist
Pricebot: One search, 30+ shops & your stock
Pricebot: searches for the best price on a part at 30+ stores and also checks it in your stock.
Absolutely free.
We wrote this bot for ourselves so that we don't have to dig through track stocks and can quickly find the best prices for parts. One day, we found the bot was working much slower than usual. It turned out that it was being used by more than 700 people, and we simply hadn’t counted on such massive loads.
We’re now building extended functionality into this bot for our Appliance Repair technicians app, which we’ll be releasing on September 1, 2024, making price and parts searches much easier.
The current version of the bot runs until September 1, 2024, after which you’ll be able to use these features as part of the FirstCallComplete application.
At the moment the load has grown geometrically and the bot may be running unstable.

/start - Getting started with the bot and updating the menu.
/changecountry - Allows you to select your preferred country.
/usasettings - Edit settings for USA sites.
/canadasettings - Edit settings for Canada sites.
/amazondays - Change the maximum number of days Amazon can deliver.
/stockfile - Obtaining information about your stock file.
/addsite - Request to add a new site.
/help - Shows the help section.